International Human Rights Day

International Human Rights Day

Every year on December 10, the world commemorates the day when the United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 73 years have passed since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed on December 10,...
“Domestic violence” practically defended

“Domestic violence” practically defended

Training sessions on “Organizing and practical activity on protection of domestic violence” have been held for young lawyers on October 23 and 30. Rovshana Rahimli, a member of the Bar Association and an expert in the field of domestic violence, gave theoretical...
Support for women from the British government

Support for women from the British government

The Institute for Citizens Rights has begun implementing a new program with the support of the British government. The goal of the program is to conduct legal aid to women who are affected by the 44-day war and support them in solving their problems. Educational...
Organization conducted a SWOT Analysis

Organization conducted a SWOT Analysis

On September 3 and 4, The Institute for Citizens Rights ICR has conducted a SWOT analysis to assess the organization’s performance. Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats have been explored and determined in the discussions where the organization’s board,...
VHİ QHT-lərlə bağlı deputata təkliflər verdi

VHİ QHT-lərlə bağlı deputata təkliflər verdi

Sentyabrın 3-də Milli Məclisin Hüquq Siyasəti və Dövlət Quruculuğu Komitəsinin üzvü Erkin Qədirli Vətəndaş Hüquqları İnstitutunda (VHİ) görüş keçirib. Görüşdə hüquq müdafiəçisi Samir Kazımlı, Rəsul Cəfərov, hüquqşünas Səməd Rəhimli, Ülkər Həmidli iştirak edib....